本站是由电影《绝杀慕尼黑》(中译)中的角色教练加兰任及10号球员谢尔盖衍生而来的本尊、角色及演员相关的粉丝站点。旨在收集并归纳有关康德拉辛教练(角色名为加兰任)及球员谢尔盖·别洛夫的资料及创作作品。 站长会不定期做更新及维护。本网站上的所有信息均非商业用途,也不应被视为商业用途。本网站中的原创文字版权归属各位作者所有。严禁无授权转载、更改、引用、抄写以及一切商业利用。该网站发布的所有图片均来自互联网。 如果您是摄影师之一,并且对本网站上的任何内容确实有疑问,请与站长联系,图片将立即被删除


This is a fan-site for the great basketball coach Vladimir Petrovich Kondrashin and the super basketball player Sergei Alexandrovich Belov, as well as the related characters(&actors) in the movie “Going Vertical”. All the information on this website is not commercial, and should not be treated as such. The copyright of the original texts on this website belongs to the authors. Unauthorized reproduction, alteration, quotation, transcription, and all commercial use are strictly prohibited. All the pictures posted here are from the internet. If you are one of the photographers and you do have problems with any content on this website, please CONTACT ME, and the pictures will be REMOVED immediately.

网站信息 Website:

网站名称Site Name:10Plus
网站管理Admin: stupidgirl(SG)
开站时间Dated: 2020.Feb.05
邮箱地址Email: stupidgirl@outlook.com